People wanting to connect and grow themselves in the company of individuals, families, and groups that are different from themselves, who may have been unsure how to begin or reticent to even make the attempt for fear on saying or doing something that may give offense, can learn to engage with greater confidence.
Educators, social service providers, and healthcare providers who are serving in communities becoming increasingly diverse by the year can build stronger relationships with those they serve and so achieve the best outcomes possible.
Corporate America can attract, develop, and retain more diverse staff with greater success, and more effectively serve their clients/consumer communitiies that are becoming increasingly diverse.
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As we seemingly become more and more divided,
the need for healing grows.
It's colloquially call it the "Color Line". It is more truly a gash, a gaping wound through America's heart. And this wound has been festering for almost 400 years.
We are changing. Within the next 20 to 30 years, Americans of color will outnumber white Americans. Today, Americans of color outnumber their white counterparts in 20 of our 25 most populous cities and in all of our top 10. In the mid-1960s, 35% of the world population was white. Within the coming decade or so that number will drop to 11%. As time moves on, healing takes on greater and greater urgency.
Why is it that it took less than 20 years to go from, “Don't ask, don't tell” to the acceptance of gay marriage throughout much of our country, yet why, in the white man's 400 year presence on these shores have we only been able to make progress erasing the 'color line' in fits and starts? Why has it been so difficult to change? And why does it seem we have been losing ground these past years?
Why can discussions about race, diversity, and injustice be so difficult and why can they engender so much defensiveness, animus, and guilt? How did we get here and what can we do to heal?
Why do so many white Americans (of whom I am one) feel a subtle tension when we are talking with our peers, colleagues, and even friends of color, as if we are concerned we might say or do something that will give offense?
Why is it that with increasing frequency, we who work to serve those in need in culturally diverse communities, find some of our best efforts met with suspicion, antagonism, and rejection?
Perhaps of greatest import, what can caring, concerned, well-intentioned, good folks do to help heal our 400 year old wound, so we can all move forward? What can we do to be part of the solution?
Dr Klusky has some answers . . . and many more questions. Come join the discussion
Speaking / Training / Consulting
Home of Uptone Press
Working to Heal Our Racial Divide
Reverse Integration Presentations and Workshops
Meaningfully Connecting Across Diverse Cultures
Dr. Jay can help you build a stronger community and a more sensitive, effective workforce through laying the foundation for meaningful connections among people from diverse backgrounds.